
31 Movie Reviews

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Exceptional loop.

You never disappoint, Boogley.
But I must ask, how did you get the background to move like so in accordance to the skeleton? Are they layers?

TheBoogley responds:

nope, it's a trick I used in illustrator to offset the lines. It's a secret, shhh :3


Really. Excellent work. You're quite a patient animator, putting so much detail and effort into your work. The music matched perfectly with the simple smiles and overall fluidity this animation portrays.

Great, great job.

You are the best.

You are seriously the best storymaker I have ever seen. The way you placed everything in the story, EVERY LITTLE DETAIL, was fantastic. First I noticed the small Jerry flashes in the background, and then I was speechless at the Jerry's father scene. But still, after that, you made me speechless when she ran back into the house. And after all these feats of excellence, you killed me at the very end.

I love you to the point of no return.

Very well done!

You definitely have talent, ill tell you that. The plot was good, the idea of illustrating a dream made it original, but the randomness made it fun to watch. Your animation is a little sloppy, but i didn't matter too much. But the best part was the audio. The quality of it was amazing! I felt as if I was there when the gunshots were going off. And the way you were able to combine the sounds, playing almost four at a time blended very well. This is definitely front page material :D
Audio- 10/10
Animation- 8/10
Storyline- 10/10
Final grade- 9/10 and a 5/5

Nicely done

By the sheer fact that you put the hives as your music, I fived it. But when I kept watching, I would have put a five anyway. Unfortunately, you get a 9/10 because the sound quality is bad.

Well done

That was very very well done. Your animation skills are high up there. If you added sound and made it just a teensy bit longer (20 seconds or so), it would of been a ten. Great job!

Zeth29 responds:

hey hey hey! it's twenty-four seconds long biatch! haha, jk, thanks for the support, keep watching me

Holy Shit!!

That was FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!! At the end I just randomly went YES!!!! and scared the crap out of my hamster! That was amazing! You have a serious gift in flash.


That was a very good music video and it had excellent effects to go with it. Down to every detail, you worked hard on it. Obviously it took a lot of effort, so props for that. Also, I loved how you put a poster of Big Ass Badgers II on the wall of the store!!

Dean @AgainstYou

Age 30, Male


Joined on 5/22/08

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